How to prepare for your new kitten

New baby kittens are adorable, little balls of fluff that you will want to hold and cuddle as soon as they come home with you. But there are a few things you should do in advance, before kitty comes home, to make your life easier and to make their life easier.

Equipment for a new cat

Before your cat comes home, go through the list and make sure you have a little of everything. Cats are pretty easy to look after, especially once they are done with the kitten stage, but you do need to be pretty well prepared.

  • A veterinarian
  • A soft lovely bed
  • A food bowl and a water bowl
  • Kitten food
  • Litter box
  • Toys
  • Insurance

Choosing a vet

If you already have a pet them you probably have a local vet. If not, do some research and set up an appointment with a vet nearby. Get recommendations from your friends but the one thing we do want to stress – keep it local and make sure there is an emergency section.  Also, call or visit your vet before you get your new kitten, to make sure you have everything you need.  Some vets supply; others will direct you to a pet shop.

A cat bed

We all know that cats love to sleep in the most unusual of places, most likely on the bed, the couch, in the kitchen cupboard or in a cardboard box you’ve left lying around. It’s still a good idea to provide something soft and cosy that belongs to them. You can get gorgeous cat beds in a variety of sizes and designs. Get a bed and do your best to let kitty know that that is where he or she is (meant) to sleep!

Food and water bowls

Just like with puppies, feed your kitten at regular times. Water must always be kept refreshed and full. Keep the bowls in the same place all the time, but once your kitten has finished its meal, put the food bowl away. Remember that as a kitten grows it will need to eat more, or you will need to change the type of food, so always check this with your vet.

Kitten food

The food you give is a kitten is different to the food you give a fully grown cat so be prepared for when you bring your kitten home. You can buy kitten food from your local vet or from a good pet shop; ask for advice if you are unsure which food to give and how often to give it. Unlike dogs, cats do not usually steal lamb chops off the table, but they MIGHT and they can jump, so be careful!

Litter box and litter

This is the one piece of equipment you definitely need to have. Kittens are smart, even from a young age. Show them the little box and the litter and they will use it. Keep it in the same place all the time, clean it out daily, change the litter if it starts to smell (usually every week) and be grateful that you have it.  Your cat will use it and you won’t have a mess in the house. Apart from that ball of string you left lying around…


Kittens love to play, whether with a pair of slippers, a piece of string, a toy mouse or a bit of cardboard. Get them a few toys of their own. It will save your own things from getting ruined and toys will stimulate them and keep them busy. When they’ve had enough, they’ll creep into your shoulder or  on to your lap for a cuddle.

Pet insurance

Ask your vet how much pet insurance is on a monthly basis. You will be surprised to hear that it is not very expensive and it is really recommended. While cats are usually pretty sturdy animals, they do and can get sick. You must get them inoculated according to the schedules, but also, take out insurance for if and when they are not well.  It will save you money.