Clinical Director

Dr Bianca Betros

BVSc (Hons I), Dip Prof Prac Mgt

Bianca Betros has been working as a veterinarian for 24 years! She grew up on a farm, surrounded by farm animals, pets, and wildlife. Learn more about our clinical director below!

1. Memorable Experience: There are many positive experiences each day. I particularly enjoy communicating with clients regarding their pets’ needs, and it is always wonderful when dogs come in with their tails wagging, with what could definitely be a smile on their faces!

2. Most Rewarding Aspect: I find it rewarding to provide high-quality veterinary care to all our patients. Our pets are an integral part of our clients’ families, and it is rewarding to be a part of and to contribute to maintaining the special bond they have.

3. Special Interests: Preventative care, soft tissue surgery, and dentistry.

4. Advice for Pet Owners: Be proactive when caring for your pet; prevention is better than cure. Please understand that we want the absolute best for your pet too! Be careful about what you read online – it is always best to consult with your veterinarian as much information can be quite misleading.

5. Pets Outside of Work: Winston is a 2-year-old male miniature schnauzer who ‘helps’ me at work each day. He is chief “welcomer of clients and pets in the clinic” and is rewarded for his efforts with lots of cuddles and belly scratches from the team. In his spare time, Winston enjoys long walks and his hobby is antagonizing Peppa, his 7-year-old rescue cat sibling who relishes the fact she seems to win each wrestling/boxing/biting match with him. Bonny is a 13-year-old female miniature schnauzer who is much more sensible. She will eat absolutely anything and routinely referees her siblings’ arguments.

6. Enjoyment in the Veterinary Clinic: We are incredibly lucky to have such an awesome team at AVH. Work is made so much more enjoyable when you share your days with like-minded people who want to provide the very best care we can to our patients. We are all there for one another and support each other through all the ups and downs that each day may bring. Everyone brings something unique to our team – there are a number of different personalities which makes each day very enjoyable, interesting, and fun!